JupyterHub Helm chart 0.10.0 released! (0.10.1 also - patch release)

JupyterHub, the Helm chart, is now released in 0.10.0! :tada:

Thank you all contributors to this release! Here are those that specifically have contributed in the Z2JH repository, while others have also contributed in project this distribution depends on, such as JupyterHub, KubeSpawner, OAuthenticator, Configurable-HTTP-proxy, and open source projects outside the JupyterHub organization. This is made possible by a large collaboration, thank you everyone! :heart: :tada:

Check out the CHANGELOG now!

Contributors to this Helm chart release

A huge warm thank you for the collaborative effort in this release! Below we celebrate this specific GitHub repositories contributors, but we have reason to be thankful to soo many other contributors in the projects we depend on! Thank you everyone!

@01100010011001010110010101110000 | @ablekh | @aculich | @adi413 | @agrahamlincoln | @aguinaldoabbj | @Aisuko | @akaszynski | @albertmichaelj | @alexmorley | @amanda-tan | @arpitsri3 | @asubb | @aydintd | @bebosudo | @BertR | @betatim | @betolink | @bibz | @bleggett | @cam72cam | @carat64 | @cbanek | @cboettig | @chancez | @chicocvenancio | @choldgraf | @chrisroat | @clkao | @conet | @consideRatio | @craig-willis | @cslovell | @dalonlobo | @dalssaso | @danroliver | @DarkBlaez | @davidsmf | @deinal | @dimm0 | @dkipping | @dmpe | @donotpush | @duongnt | @easel | @echarles | @Edward-liang | @eric-leblouch | @erinfry6 | @etheleon | @farzadz | @filippo82 | @frankgu968 | @frouzbeh | @GeorgianaElena | @GergelyKalmar | @gsemet | @Guanzhou-Ke | @Gungo | @h4gen | @harsimranmaan | @hdimitriou | @hickst | @hnykda | @hqwl159 | @IamViditAgarwal | @ilhaan | @ivanpokupec | @jacobtomlinson | @jahstreet | @JarnoRFB | @jeremievallee | @jgerardsimcock | @jgwerner | @josibake | @JPMoresmau | @jreadey | @jtlz2 | @jtpio | @julienchastang | @jzf2101 | @kinow | @kristofmartens | @kyprifog | @leolb-aphp | @loki1978 | @ltupin | @lxylxy123456 | @manics | @mathematicalmichael | @meeseeksmachine | @meneal | @metonymic-smokey | @mhwasil | @minrk | @mjuric | @moorepants | @mpolatcan | @mriedem | @mrocklin | @NerdSec | @nscozzaro | @openthings | @pcfens | @perllaghu | @petebachant | @peterrmah | @philvarner | @prateekkhera | @rabernat | @RAbraham | @remche | @rkdarst | @rkevin-arch | @rmoe | @rnestler | @rschroll | @rubdos | @ryanlovett | @salvis2 | @sampathkethineedi | @scivm | @Sefriol | @sgibson91 | @sgloutnikov | @shenghu | @snickell | @sstarcher | @stefansedich | @stevenstetzler | @stv0g | @subwaymatch | @summerswallow-whi | @superyaniv | @support | @suryag10 | @TiemenSch | @tirumerla | @tjcrone | @tmshn | @TomasBeuzen | @tracek | @verdurin | @vindvaki | @vishwesh5 | @welcome | @willingc | @yuvipanda | @zxcGrace

Notable dependencies updated

Dependency Version in previous release Version in this release Changelog link Note
jupyterhub 1.1.0 1.2.0 Changelog Run in the hub pod
kubespawner 0.11.1 0.14.1 Changelog Run in the hub pod
oauthenticator 0.11.0 0.12.0 Changelog Run in the hub pod
ldapauthenticator 1.3.0 1.3.2 Changelog Run in the hub pod
ltiauthenticator 0.4.0 0.4.0 Changelog Run in the hub pod
nativeauthenticator 0.0.5 0.0.5 Changelog Run in the hub pod
jupyterhub-idle-culler - v1.0 - Run in the hub pod
configurable-http-proxy 4.2.1 4.2.2 Changelog Run in the proxy pod
traefik v2.1 v2.3.2 Changelog Run in the autohttps pod
kube-scheduler v1.13.12 v1.19.2 - Run in the user-scheduler pod(s)

For a detailed list of how Python dependencies have change in the hub Pod’s Docker image, inspect the images/hub/requirements.txt file.

0.10.1 patch release with JupyterHub 1.2.1

@bitnik fixed a regression in JupyterHub 1.2.0 which is resolved in JupyterHub 1.2.1. The regression only influence those having registered external JupyterHub services with jupyterhub with the oauth_no_confirm option. A Z2JH release to use JupyterHub 0.10.1 was created where we bump JupyterHub from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1.


You’ve done an absolutely amazing amount of work getting this out, @consideRatio!!! Your dedication to this has been pushing the project forward in amazing ways, and I’m very grateful for that. THANK YOU! <3