hey folks!
i installed jupyterhub using apt in ubuntu 24.04 and install dockerspawner using pip on system level.
then i use this config file for jupyterhub
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = 'dockerspawner.DockerSpawner'
c.DockerSpawner.image = 'jupyter/base-notebook'
c.DockerSpawner.remove = True
c.DockerSpawner.debug = True
'runtime': 'nvidia',
'environment': {
'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES': 'all' # Adjust GPU allocation as needed
c.DockerSpawner.volumes = {
'jupyterhub-user-{username}': '/home/jovyan/work',
# Add shared volumes if needed
'jupyterhub-shared': '/home/jovyan/shared'
but when i run jupyterhub using this command
sudo /usr/bin/python3 -m jupyterhub.app -f /etc/jupyterhub/config/jupyterhub_config.d/config.yaml --upgrade-db --debug
i get this line
Using Spawner: jupyterhub.spawner.LocalProcessSpawner-3.0.0
do you know what is wrong with this config?