Hi folks so I have a JupyterHub which spawns docker container. Now I want these run some ML workload which wants to use GPU from the host. I have installed nvidia container toolkit on host.
Below is my config file.
import dockerspawner
import os
from jupyter_client.localinterfaces import public_ips
import subprocess
c = get_config() # noqa
c.Authenticator.admin_users = {'ross'}
c.DockerSpawner.allowed_images = {
'Python TensorFlow Notebook':'quay.io/jupyter/tensorflow-notebook:latest',
'Python Pytorch Notebook':'quay.io/jupyter/pytorch-notebook:latest'
# we need the hub to listen on all ips when it is in a container
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = dockerspawner.DockerSpawner
# The docker instances need access to the Hub, so the default loopback port doesn't work:
c.JupyterHub.hub_ip = public_ips()[0]
c.JupyterHub.db_url = '/etc/jupyterhub_workspace/jupyterhub.sqlite'
c.JupyterHub.cookie_secret_file = '/etc/jupyterhub_workspace/jupyterhub_cookie_secret'
def create_dir_hook(spawner):
username = spawner.user.name
volume_path = os.path.join('/home/jupyter', username)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("Path doesnt exist")
subprocess.call(["/sbin/mkhomedir_helper", spawner.user.name])
c.Spawner.pre_spawn_hook = create_dir_hook
c.Spawner.default_url = '/lab'
notebook_dir = '/home/jovyan/work'
host_dir = '/home/jupyter/{username}/'
c.DockerSpawner.notebook_dir = notebook_dir
# Mount the real user's Docker volume on the host to the notebook user's
# notebook directory in the container
c.DockerSpawner.volumes = {
f'{host_dir}': notebook_dir
# delete containers when the stop
c.DockerSpawner.remove = True
c.DockerSpawner.extra_create_kwargs = {'user': 'root'}
c.DockerSpawner.extra_host_config = {'runtime': 'nvidia'}
c.DockerSpawner.environment = {
'GRANT_SUDO': 'yes',
'CHOWN_HOME': 'yes',
'CHOWN_EXTRA': '/home/jovyan',
'NB_UID': 1000,
'NB_GID': 1000,
I am able to spawn tensorflow and Pytorch notebooks. But those are not able to use GPU.
Tensorflow Notebook : GPU not detected
Some configs from HOST Machine
docker daemon
cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
"runtimes": {
"nvidia": {
"args": [],
"path": "nvidia-container-runtime"
> nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Jul_28_19:07:16_PDT_2019
Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.243
> nvidia-container-runtime --version
NVIDIA Container Runtime version 1.14.6
commit: 5605d191332dcfeea802c4497360d60a65c7887e
spec: 1.2.0
runc version 1.1.12
commit: v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
spec: 1.0.2-dev
go: go1.21.8
libseccomp: 2.5.1
Can someone please help me out with the same ?