Jupyter notebook via jupyterhub not working on public IP address

Jupyterhub failed server spawning for single user while connecting to hub apis, hub environment set up is via anaconda.

Hi! Please could you:

  • Tell us about the system used to host JupyterHub
  • Tell us how your deployed JupyterHub, ideally with enough information for someone to reproduce your setup
  • Show us your configuration with secrets redacted
  • Turn on debug logging and show us the logs?


@manics I managed to solve it by downgrading Jupiterhub version now !

The key log here is “Generating new CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN”, which only works when the Hub starts a new configurable-http-proxy instance on every launch. It looks like an earlier configurable-http-proxy process is left running, or something else is listening on port 8001, which is the source of the 403. Stopping that process should get it back.