I’m taking a Linear Algebra course w/Python and would like to follow along in Jupiter Lab. On a MacOS (zsh) I have Python3 (3.7.3), though Jupyter Notebook installed in the Python 2.7 directories. I installed Jupyter Notebook and it runs fine. I then installed jupyter lab (pip install jupyterlab). The comments look clean, no issues, though
I cannot find the “jupyter-lab” executable; i.e. “%jupyter lab” or “%jupyter-lab” does not work. As well, adding the /lab URL suffix in Notebook results in a 404.
jupyter --version:
jupyter core : 4.6.1
jupyter-notebook : 5.7.8
qtconsole : not installed
ipython : 5.8.0
ipykernel : 4.10.1
jupyter client : 5.3.4
jupyter lab : 0.33.12
nbconvert : 5.6.1
ipywidgets : not installed
nbformat : 5.0.3
traitlets : 4.3.3
It looks like it’s there, although an old version. My path is
/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/Jude/Library/Python/2.7/bin. Can you tell me where I should look for an executable?..or an alternative approach to install the most recent version of Lab (not sure why pip installed such an old version)?
Help appreciated.