Issues with jupyterhub

Hello together,

I was looking for a collaborative coding server that allows coding in a web IDE as well as remote access from VSCode. I came across Jupyternotebook, Jupyterhub and also ‘the thinnest jupyter hub’ (tljh). I was able to set up the latter successfully.

I have now installed TLJH in an Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 VM. I can access Jupyterhub and Jupyterlabs without any problems, but the installation of a German language pack has had no effect and it is still unclear to me how I can realise that several users can work on one and the same Python file at the same time in defined groups or by means of a mutual invitation.

I would really appreciate your help!

Best regards


Check these examples which can give you some leads and ideas.

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Thank you for your suggestion, but I would prefer the plugin without having to create a separate user account for each individual team, which is used by several people, as described in the instructions.
I therefore need detailed instructions on how to use the collaboration plugin.