Improving IJava Kernel

Hi guys,

I want to improve the IJava Kernel (GitHub - SpencerPark/IJava: A Jupyter kernel for executing Java code.), but I am a little lost.
For example, I would like to have all the magics and output we have with the IPython kernel, but I dont know the best way to do this. I would like to not duplicate code that is already working with iPYthon, if it is possible.
If anyone can point me the direction to do this, it would be really nice.


I know this is an old post, but if you are still interested in improving IJava, you might want to read this: Supported version of iJava · Issue #161 · SpencerPark/IJava · GitHub . Since iJava is not maintained for the last 5 years, we forked the kernel to a new project called “jjava”, so if you go to GitHub - dflib/jjava: A Jupyter kernel for Java notebooks , you can both get a version of the kernel with much fewer bugs than the last published iJava :slight_smile: , and discuss new features.

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