I can't edit and type in Jupyter Notebook

Recently I suddenly couldn’t find the input cursor in the cell of the Jupyter notebook, so I couldn’t type or edit any code. Kernels looked fine, because I could create and rename ipynb files, or run previous code. The Header and Toolbar also work, but all shortcuts are disabled and metadata cannot be edited. The running consle in edge is shown below. What exactly is the problem?

the running consle in edge

Happened to me as well in Opera. After I disabled all the extensions, it worked. So the issue must be in the browser.

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I had the same issue. The cause appeared to be that I had the same notebook still active (i.e. not properly closed) on another laptop. I could’t type any text but I was able to insert enters or delete text and also to make saves. When I opened another notebook everything was just fine. After closing the session on the other laptop it also worked fine again.

Facing the same issue, I don’t know how to resolve it now.