How to switch TLJH Jupyterlab or Notebook to use python3.8

Hi, I have setup a new server using below:
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev git curl
curl -L The Littlest Jupyterhub | sudo -E python3 - --admin xadmin

I noticed that Jupyterhub is using python3.8 from /opt/tljh/hub/lib/python3.8/
But the Notebook or Jupyter Lab is using python3.7 from /opt/tljh/user/lib/python3. 7

Is there a way i can make it use python 3.8? I’m relatively new to this so some instructions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

See these instructions: Install conda, pip or apt packages — The Littlest JupyterHub v0.1 documentation

Thank you @manics, will this setup python 3.8 systemwide i.e. for all users or just for a specific user?

I need it to be for all users.