Hi guys
I installed the TLJH following these instruction:
And it works excellent. I also added HTTPS and it works fine.
But I try to change the url_binding. So instead of listening to domaind.edu. It should listen to domaind.edu/jupyter, but I am not able to manage this.
I found a solution using the Zero to JupyterHub:
But I cant find the config.py. I can find the config.yaml but dont know which parameter to set their for getting ahead. I also found the traefik.toml but changing the Entrypoint
address = ":7443"
address = ":7443/jupyter"
will lead to an not starting traefik.service.
This is how my config.yaml & site-packages & tljh in site-packages look like
Maybe someone can help. I guess it is not a big Deal since it is one line of code in the “from ground to Jupyterhub Installation”.
Allready a big thank you to all who are reading this and trying to help.