Hi, I am using pandas in jupyter-lab.
I’m using pandas in jupyter-lab.
As you can see in the attached figure
, the text in the output dataframe table is too small and I want to change the font size by default
, but I don’t know where to fix it.
In Settings- Advanced Settings Editor, I have the following settings, but I could not change them here.
If anyone knows where else I can adjust the size, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.Thanks.
Settings- Advanced Settings Editor- Notebook
"codeCellConfig": {
"autoClosingBrackets": false,
"cursorBlinkRate": 530,
"fontFamily": null,
"fontSize": 25,
"lineHeight": null,
"lineNumbers": false,
"lineWrap": "off",
"matchBrackets": true,
"readOnly": false,
"insertSpaces": true,
"tabSize": 25,
"wordWrapColumn": 95,
"rulers": [],
"codeFolding": false,
"lineWiseCopyCut": true
// Default cell type
// The default type (markdown, code, or raw) for new cells
"defaultCell": "code",
// Shut down kernel
// Whether to shut down or not the kernel when closing a notebook.
"kernelShutdown": false,
// Markdown Cell Configuration
// The configuration for all markdown cells.
"markdownCellConfig": {
"autoClosingBrackets": false,
"cursorBlinkRate": 530,
"fontFamily": null,
"fontSize": 15,
"lineHeight": null,
"lineNumbers": false,
"lineWrap": "on",
"matchBrackets": false,
"readOnly": false,
"insertSpaces": true,
"tabSize": 25,
"wordWrapColumn": 95,
"rulers": [],
"codeFolding": false,
"lineWiseCopyCut": true
// The maximum number of output cells to to be rendered in the output area. Set to 0 to have the complete display.
// Defines the maximum number of output cells to to to be rendered in the output area for cells with many outputs. The output area will have a head and a tail, and the outputs between will be trimmed and not displayed unless the user clicks on the information message.
"maxNumberOutputs": 50,
// Number of cells to render directly
// Define the number of cells to render directly when virtual notebook intersection observer is available
"numberCellsToRenderDirectly": 30,
// Observed bottom margin
// Defines the observed bottom margin for the virtual notebook, set a positive number of pixels to render cells below the visible view
"observedBottomMargin": "1000px",
// Observed top margin
// Defines the observed top margin for the virtual notebook, set a positive number of pixels to render cells above the visible view
"observedTopMargin": "1000px",
// Raw Cell Configuration
// The configuration for all raw cells.
"rawCellConfig": {
"autoClosingBrackets": false,
"cursorBlinkRate": 530,
"fontFamily": null,
"fontSize": 15,
"lineHeight": null,
"lineNumbers": false,
"lineWrap": "on",
"matchBrackets": false,
"readOnly": false,
"insertSpaces": true,
"tabSize": 25,
"wordWrapColumn": 95,
"rulers": [],
"codeFolding": false,
"lineWiseCopyCut": true
// Recording timing
// Should timing data be recorded in cell metadata
"recordTiming": false,
// Render cell on browser idle time
// Defines if the placeholder cells should be rendered when the browser is idle
"renderCellOnIdle": true,
// Scroll past last cell
// Whether to be able to scroll so the last cell is at the top of the panel
"scrollPastEnd": true
supplementary information
jupyterlab 3.1.12
Python 3.8.10
OS ubuntu20.04