I have deployed Jupyterhub on Kubernetes following the ztjh guide I have setup nbgrader and ngshare on jupyterhub using this ngshare readocs, I have a Learning management system(LMS), I want to view the list of assignments both for instructors and students I can do that by using the rest API of Jupyternotebook like this
import requests
import json
api_url = ''
r = requests.get(api_url,params = payload)
users = r.json()
print(json.dumps(users, indent = 1))
now I want to grade all submitted assignments using the nbgrader command nbgrader autograde "Assignment1"
, I can do that by logging into the instructor notebook server and going to the terminal and running the same command but I want to run this command on the notebook server terminal using Jupyter Notebook server rest API, so that instructor clicks on grade button on the LMS frontend which sends a request to LMS backend and which sends a rest API request(which has the above command) to jupyter notebook , which runs the command on terminal and returns the response to LMS backend. I cannot find anything similar on the Jupyter Notebook API documentation there is endpoint to start a terminal but not how to run commands on. @willingc @minrk Please help.