How to create a table of contents in the left navigation pane?

Trying to create a table of contents in Jupyter notebook. I have installed and enabled nbextensions as well as gone into the nbextensions config and clicked the box next to “Table of Contents (2)”. I can access the TOC as a drop down from the Navigate menu bar option. But I want the TOC in the left navigation pane. How to enable that?

Your post is very unclear. Your text says Jupyter Notebook; however, you put the post under ‘JupyterLab’ topic, twice because two different tags mention JupyterLab. And Jupyter Notebook doesn’t have a left navigation pane by default. JupyterLab does, see here where someone included an image demonstrating it in a post about a possible issue with it in JupyterLab. (There’s a special icon you select to show it in JupyterLab instead of the default file navigation pane.)

For Jupyter Notebook 7+ it also comes built in now, and you can show the Table of Contents in the Left Sidebar by toggling it on.

You seem to be talking about older Jupyter Notebook? NbClassic; however, don’t provide a version. Hopefully in light of all this you can see how this is unclear.