How to I configure JupyterHub (on Kubernetes - AWS EKS) so that Git menu shows in JupyterLab by default, please?
I would like users to be able to see the Git icon and use it to clone a repo into their account.
My installation indicates that jupyterlab-git is installed, but I do not see any Git (component? extension?) icons.
Do I need this included in a jupyterhub Docker image? Are there any out of the box? I am not able to rebuild a Docker image at the moment as this installation is PoC.
Thank you!
Installation should be the same for jupyterhub as any other jupyterlab installation. But you do need to make sure it’s installed and enabled and when the jupyter server starts, not after. That usually means installed in your single-user image, though if you have a persistent home directly, you may be able to do a user installation, depending on configuration.
Check the output of jupyter server extension list
and check the jupyterlab plugin list (the puzzle piece at the bottom).
Is there a setting to for “enable” in the server?