How do I enable multi-server UI with JupyterHub on Kubernetes?

Hi all. I’m looking into using JupyterHub at my organization. I’m currently investigating its named-server capabilities for those cases where our users want to have multiple notebook servers with different base image and compute resources configured. I’ve found the following merge on the Github: jupyterhub/jupyterhub#2089
However, it’s unclear to me how I enable this facility in my deployment.

Right now, for a POC, I’m running locally on minikube, and deploying via helm (e.g., helm upgrade --install jhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub --namespace jhub --version=0.9-b18a5ca --values config.yaml )

Is there a flag I need to pass in the config.yaml file to enable these capabilities?

Im not confident at all about named servers yet, referencing this issue on github:

Yes, to enable named servers, you would set:

  allowNamedServers: true

And bump to a very recent version of z2jh where we have JupyterHub 1.0.0b1 installed, such as 0.9-8ed2f81.

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Hey all. Just tested it out, and things are working. Thanks for the prompt replies!

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Wieeee! Thanks for following up :tada: