Host localhost webbapp from jupyterpod in kubernetes

I’m trying to make it so that users that has spawned a jupyterpod can host webapplications.
I have two ideas:

  1. Edit so that each pod spawns with a service.
  2. Edit so the pod spawns with two URL’s, one that consits with the jupyter application and one that is empty so the user can host webapp on it.

Related tech: GitHub - jupyterhub/jupyter-server-proxy: Jupyter notebook server extension to proxy web services.

Thank you! I have built jupyter-server-proxt:4.1.2 into an image based on this image “jupyter/datascience-notebook:hub-4.0.2” but the extension doesn’t seem to work… I tried to host a basic flask app on but i couldnt connect to it. And i can’t seem to find the Rstudio and Shiny extension :confused:

I have checked the pip versions off notebook and jupyter lab and they are
notebook 7.1.2
jupyterlab 4.1.5

Basically i have the same issue as this post
Use jupyter-server-proxy with hub in kubernetes - JupyterHub / Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes - Jupyter Community Forum


With jupyter-server-proxy installed and enabled as a jupyter server extension, that takes you to a localhost webserver if listening to port 8888.

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Thank you so much! I noticed that my webapp was wrong so thats why it didnt work :slight_smile:

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