Getting administrator access so I can access jupyter notebook

I’m trying to access Jupyter Notebook in Anaconda but have been unsuccessful at it so far. I asked my AI and it suggested this command: “conda install nb_conda_kernels” So I did that and it installed several files before giving me the “Proceed? Y/N” prompt. When I typed “Y” it gave me the following message: "Downloading and Extracting Packages
packaging-23.0 | 68 KB | ########################################################################################################################################################################## | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: failed

EnvironmentNotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to the target environment.
environment location: /opt/conda
uid: 154893
gid: 60000"

Then I asked the AI how to solve that problem and it told me that I needed “Admnistrator” privileges. I asked specifically how to do this and it responded: “Go to C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3, press and hold or right-click the folder, and then tap or click Properties. Tap or click the Security tab. Under Group or user names, tap or click your name to see the permissions that you have. Tap or click Edit, tap or click your name, select the check boxes for the permissions that you must have, and then click OK. Ensure you apply changes to sub folders.” I am not certain how to do this step. Can someone guide me?

You are dropping us in the middle of a tale here with no context. How did you install Anaconda? If you installed the Anaconda Distribution the typical way, then did you follow the “Getting Started” here and things seemed to work? Are you able to open the Anaconda Navigator? If that works, can you click and open JupyterLab or Notebook? Did that ever work?

nb_conda_kernels is about having kernels you install in various environments accessible in already working Jupyter. So I’m not really concerned about that for now. And hence the administrator privileges isn’t an issue necessarily until you provide more information. (If that was an issue, and definitely Windows has a different set of challenges and telling which system some suggestions are targeting can get confusing, I think the advice in this specific reply here and/or this one might be pertinent. However, I thought you really wanted to use Jupyter for now and weren’t necessarily needing nb_conda_kernels? At least not yet?)

If you were concerned about the admin stuff, you’d need to let us know more. Are you already an admin on you machine? Usually you’d know this already because it would come up a lot when installing software. Or is this the first thing you’ve happened to install? (I’m not saying to respond to that now because I think it should be on the backburner.)

There’s a reason why AI generated answers aren’t allowed on StackOverflow.

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Hi Fomightez, thanks for your response. I am doing this to be able to download and use GPT3 (GPT Neo) on my computer. I have been following the step by step instructions found in this YouTube video: GPT3 Tutorial: How to Download And Use GPT3(GPT Neo) - YouTube and I think he left out a key step assuming that someone watching their video knows how to do this stuff. 25 years ago I knew Unix and Linux like the back of my hand–now I’m more than a little but rusty, and this is one of those areas that I need to brush up on. So yes, I have administrative rights to my computer using a Windows 10 OS, but I just seem to be unable to exercise those administrative rights on Anaconda.

By the way, This broke down for me at the point where I did not purchase extra credits for the complete download (yet–I did finally pay for additional room so I could complete the download. Since that time I have caught up on the files that need to be downloaded (I think), Good questions all. Let me know if I’ve told you the necessary parts of the story now. Thanks!

That definitely provides insight into the impetus for using Jupyter, but doesn’t answer a lot of key points and bring up new questions:

  • Did you install the Anaconda Distribution on your Windows machine? Is it inside Linux in your machine or installed natively? Related: You brought up Linux in your reply, are you using Linux on your Windows machine?

  • Did the Anaconda Distribution work for you? Can you open Jupyter the typical way using Anaconda Navigator? (Separate from the video stuff. Just using what a typical person would do following the ‘Getting Started’.)

  • Did you try what it says here?

The video you are following should be using %conda install and not !conda install commands inside the notebook. Similar with pip. Don’t use !pip install, use %pip install inside the notebook these days. See here.

I’m not following the whole paragraph mentioning " this broke down for me at the point where I did not purchase extra credits". I don’t think that part is pertinent to this community. I’d be more interested in where things in the video don’t match up for you.

Because the video you are referencing is using HuggingFace resources, you may want to know you can use JupyterLab directly at HuggingFace for free if you stick with the basic CPU using HuggingFace Spaces, see here.

My computer is totally Windows 10, so there are no partitions containing any other O/S besides that.

No, so far the Anaconda Distribution has not worked for me and I’m not able to do anything with Anaconda Navigator.

Yes I did change the permissions on the Anaconda3 Prompt (both the icon and the folder) by selecting the Security tab.

I’m getting the percent sign prompt and not the bang prompt.

That;'s what I was trying to say–at what point the video instructions were no longer yielding the desired (and demonstrated) results.

Okay, I’ll check out the HuggingFace directions you provided and see if I can make them work for me. Thanks for your help!

This seems to point to the root of issues. There’s a whole list of troubleshooting here. And maybe here will help. A lot of things keep suggesting anti-virus software being an issue. Any chance that is it? This post has some images that may help; however, I don’t know how general that one is since no one else tagged it.
There’s uninstall directions for the Anaconda Distribution if the troubleshooting doesn’t work and you want to do a full uninstall and start installing the Anaconda Distribution again. You probably have to reapply the administrator setting steps though if you do end up starting over.

I didn’t catch anything about purchasing credits in the video so I wasn’t following. The downloads I saw referenced come from inside Jupyter but I only saw from like 3 minutes to about where the ‘Setting up Anaconda and Jupyter’ & ’ Starting the Jupyter notebook’ at around 6 minutes in. Since the Jupyter stuff wasn’t working is there a time mark earlier that you mean you got through to with things working as the video said?