import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Define the ODE system based on your model
def lassa_model(y, t, params):
q, PI, betah, muh, phi0, phie, gammah, alphah, rhoh, di, etae, mue, K, pr, kc, betarh, betaeh = params
S_H, S_L, I_h, R_h, E_n, S_R, I_R = y # Unpack the state variables
# Define the system of ODEs
dS_H_dt = (1-q)*PI - (betah*I_R + betaeh*(E_n/(kc + E_n)) + betarh*I_R)*S_H - (muh + phi0*phie)*S_H + gammah*R_h
dS_L_dt = q*PI - (1-phi0*phie)*(betah*I_R + betaeh*(E_n/(kc + E_n)) + betarh*I_R)*S_L - muh*S_L + (1-gammah)*alphah*R_h + phi0*phie*S_H
dI_h_dt = (betah*I_R + betaeh*(E_n/(kc + E_n)))*S_H + (1-phi0*phie)*(betah*I_R + betaeh*(E_n/(kc + E_n)))*S_L - (rhoh + muh + di)*I_h
dR_h_dt = rhoh*I_h - (muh + alphah)*R_h
dE_n_dt = etae*I_R - mue*E_n
dS_R_dt = pr*(1 - (S_R/K)) - betarh*I_R*S_R - mue*S_R
dI_R_dt = betarh*I_R*S_R - mue*I_R
return [dS_H_dt, dS_L_dt, dI_h_dt, dR_h_dt, dE_n_dt, dS_R_dt, dI_R_dt]
Function to simulate the model given parameters and time
def simulate_model(params, time):
# Initial conditions
S_H0 = 0.9
S_L0 = 0.05
I_h0 = 0.05
R_h0 = 0
E_n0 = 0.4
S_R0 = 0.3
I_R0 = 0.01
y0 = [S_H0, S_L0, I_h0, R_h0, E_n0, S_R0, I_R0]
# Solve the ODE system
sol = odeint(lassa_model, y0, time, args=(params,))
# Return the infected human population (I_h) for fitting
return sol[:, 2] # I_h is the third variable
Define the objective function (sum of squared differences)
def objective_function(params, time, data_population):
simulated_population = simulate_model(params, time)
return np.sum((simulated_population - data_population) ** 2)
Time and observed data (replace with your actual data)
data_time = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20])
data_population = np.array([5, 4, 4, 9, 5, 9, 9, 3, 8, 12, 17, 11, 16, 21, 53, 81, 83, 66, 96, 109])
Initial guess for parameters (adjust based on your specific model)
initial_params = np.array([0.6, 68000, 0.22, 0.00005, 0.4, 0.025, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0236, 0.2, 0.02, 0.002, 4000, 41, 0.02, 0.3045, 0.22])
Perform optimization to fit the model to the data
result = minimize(objective_function, initial_params, args=(data_time, data_population), method=‘Nelder-Mead’)
Optimized parameters
optimized_params = result.x
print("Optimized parameters: ", optimized_params)
Simulate the model with optimized parameters
fitted_population = simulate_model(optimized_params, data_time)
Plot the fitted model against the observed data
plt.plot(data_time, data_population, ‘o’, label=‘Observed Data’)
plt.plot(data_time, fitted_population, ‘-’, label=‘Fitted Model’)
plt.title(‘Lassa Fever Model Fitting’)