Apologize for the naïve question. I am setting up a 2 user data-science platform (as a POC for a larger application) . From my application (MEAN stack) on AWS EC2 I launch the JupyterLab in docker container corresponding to the user .
User 1 (Data Scientist) → Logged into MEAN Stack application → Choose image ( jupyter/datascience-notebook) → Clicks “Launch Workspace” → Launch JupyterLab (PWD /home/user1)
User 2 (Data Engg) → Logged into MEAN Stack application → Choose image ( jupyter/r-notebook) Clicks–> “Launch Workspace” → Launch JupyterLab (PWD /home/user2)
Can I achieve this using JupyterHub.
I installed JupyterHub (using Install JupyterHub and JupyterLab from the ground up) and created 2 users.
Would this JupyterHub + 2 users work as above as in 2 docker containers running separate images.
Do I have to install conda packages for these 2 users separately or is it possible to launch a chosen image in JupyterHub.
I have minimal AWS EC2 instance (not enough for Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes).