What is a Journal, what value do Journals provide, how can Journals and Notebooks merge to become supreme Notebook-hosting Journals?
What is a Journal? What value do Journals provide?
- Document hosting: PostScript, LaTeX, PDF, HTML → HTML+RDF (RDFa), HTML+JSONLD
- Document-level bibliographic metadata:
Title, Authors (Organizations, Funding), Abstract - Comments / Threaded Comments
- Search: Documents, Comments, Datasets, Code
- Premises: Inputs and Outputs
- Citations as (typed) graph edges (already parsed into JSON-LD)
- Code repositories with version control
- Data repositories with version control
- Image hosting: charts and figures (CDN: Content Delivery Network)
- Recommended/similar articles
- #LinkedResearch (linkeddata/dokieli,)
- Expert Community
- Audience
- Moderation (this is a real cost)
- Annotating Jupyter notebooks
discusses GitHub - jupyterlab/jupyterlab-commenting: Commenting and annotation for JupyterLab
which currently stores annotations (comments and highlights with optional comments) in a repo-local sqlite file.
- Annotating Jupyter notebooks
How can Journals and Notebooks merge to become supreme Notebook-hosting Journals?
Accept and host Jupyter notebook ScholarlyArticle(s):
nbviewer – read-only (
nbconvert --to html notebook.ipynb
) -
BinderHub (JupyterHub) – read-write (
repo2docker github.com/repo/name
) -
List of solutions for hosting Notebooks as/with Journals
Integrate with the https://mybinder.org/ BinderHub instance?
Donate or pay for the resources used by container instances launched
from Journal-registered repo URLs -
List Journal logo and URL on the https://mybinder.org/ front page
Maybe journals would pay @mybinderteam for ScholarlyArticles
published with their journal? Like a white label SaaS notebook
service with their journal name and link on https://mybinder.org?A blog post and a survey question or two on the homepage might
help estimate the potentialWould you pay @mybinderteam to host ScholarlyArticles’ notebooks
published with your journal? (Instead of just hosting your own
https://binderhub.readthedocs.io )
There’s currently support for git, @github, @ZENODO_ORG, @figshare