Confusing about installing extensions in Jupyterlab 4.x

I have searched the web to find how to install extension in Jupiter 4.x, now it’s 4.1.2.
Lots of peoples said it need install Nodejs and npm first, but according to Extensions — JupyterLab 4.1.2 documentation, user can directly install extensions in Jupyterlab by the extension manager.

So my question is, what’s the difference between installing extension in extension manager and via pip in terminal?

Question 2: does it need to install Nodejs and npm before installing extension like lsp in Jupiter 4.1.2?

Thank you guys!


This is very outdated advice, at this time plain wrong.

what’s the difference between installing extension in extension manager and via pip in terminal?

The extension manager panel in JupyterLab 4+ uses pip under the hood, so none, except for small differences on how Python paths get resolved (which can lead to problems on brew installations of Python on MacOS).

Question 2: does it need to install Nodejs and npm before installing extension like lsp in Jupiter 4.1.2?



Thank you for the detailed explanation. It’s quite clear. I have successfully installed Jupyter-lsp extension via the extension manager, but language servers seem to be installed only through pip. Any way, I have got lsp work.