Cloning from GitHub

I am drawing on a project on Github set up with Jupyter. It allows me to launch a binder but there doesn’t seem to be a way to make a permanent copy of my version (unless I am missing something).

What is the preferred workflow for this? Should I e.g. clone the GitHub version so I have an editable copy of my own without messing with the original or is there a way to make my new binder permanent? If I lose connectivity it seems to be gone. With lockdown here in South Africa I am supposed to be working from home though I can justify going to my office since this is something the government wants. But I really would like to know the optimal workflow so I can concentrate on setting up the model.

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If you are working with notebooks than see here regarding your connectivity issue.

Since that repo isn’t a template you can make a copy of, you instead have the option to fork it. And clone the fork locally. You can change the binder launch badge in the readme to point at your fork and push those changes to your fork.

You can work out the changes in the active session, download them to your local machine and then push back to your fork. Repeat that cycle. Here is a recent example of such a fork. Note that the badge point at that repo so that it launches with my cod changes.

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In the end I found it simpler just to install Jupyter on my machine. The trick was to use pip3 to keep it clear of my Python 2.7 install.

That in place, I forked off GitHub and worked off a local copy. The binder is still there (with the link changed to my fork) if anyone else needs to run my examples.