I setup three profiles for user to select their environment: k8s-singleuser-sample, datascience-notebook and r-notebook. When user logins at first time, he can select one environment from the Server Options page. But when the user logouts and logins again, he always go in the selected environment automatically.
Is it possible to allow user to select environment each time when he logins?
Here is my config.yaml:
# Defines the default image
name: quay.io/jupyterhub/k8s-singleuser-sample
tag: "3.3.8"
- display_name: "K8s singleuser sample environment"
description: "Default environment."
default: true
- display_name: "Datascience environment"
description: "Python, R, and Julia."
image: jupyter/datascience-notebook:ubuntu-22.04
- display_name: "RStudio environment"
description: "The Jupyter R image!"
image: jupyter/r-notebook:ubuntu-22.04