Hello I just started to learn about python with the OpenLearn course. However, when I follow the step to open jupyter notebook. Error occurs and I couldn’t access the directory as the instruction suggests. I am completely new to programming so I have no idea how to solve it and start my learning. Could anyone offer some help on this? Much appreciated.
You can easily rule out that it isn’t a general thing by going to https://jupyter.org/try and choosing the top left button that says ‘Try Classic Notebook’. If that works in your browser then your computer and browser are not the problem. If that gives the same error, try a different browser on your computer. By working, I mean you can see the directory in the Jupyter dahsboard and can launch a new notebook by using the New
button in the upper right corner.
Once you rule that out, it is likely you’d need to contact the instructor (or people running the JupyterHub) related to the Open Learn course. This discourse site is for general help with the Jupyter ecosystem and not specific private server instances.
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