This all works great running locally and with repo2docker, but on Binder whatever/panel gives a 404.
The way it’s set up is that I’ve configured Jupyter Server Proxy to pass the full URL to Panel, and pass the Jupyter {base_url}/panel as the --prefix to Panel. This is needed so that Panel can find all its resources and not cause a wrong redirect.
My hunch is that the base_url doesn’t properly make it through to Panel, but since it works locally and I can’t check the logs on it is kind of hard to debug. Any ideas?
JupyterLab (and notebook) can be run locally under a prefix:
$ jupyter-lab --help-all
The base URL for the Jupyter server.
Leading and trailing slashes can be omitted,
and will automatically be added.
Default: '/'
$ jupyter-notebook --help-all
The base URL for the notebook server.
Leading and trailing slashes can be omitted,
and will automatically be added.
Default: '/'
Is your problem reproducible that way?
Note it’s actually slightly more complicated, since JupyterLab can be run on top of Jupyter-notebook as well as jupyter-server, so also try both combinations if it’s not reproducible.
Thanks! Looking at the logs it was obvious there was a // because of doing {base_url}/panel, removing the slash seems to fix it. I hope that’s always the case though, or will I end up with basepanel now in other cases haha