Azure AD Group based profile list


I am trying to implement custom profileLists on the basis of the AD(Azure) Group the user is part of. For e.g. If the user is part of the Spark group - he should be able to see spark specific profile/server options.

I would like to get more information on how I can retrieve the AD groups the user is part of. I have tried these in hub extraConfig but doesn’t seem to help.

    CustomSpawner: | 
      c.Spawner.cmd = ['','jupyterhub-singleuser','--allow-root']
      c.OAuthenticator.scopes = ["openid", "profile", "email", "spark-engineer"] # an extra AD scope called spark-engineer is created to test scope based access. 
      async def custom_profile_list(spawner):        
        if any("Spark" in for group in spawner.user.groups):
          profile_list.append( {} )
      c.KubeSpawner.pre_spawn_hook = custom_profile_list

This article - Tailoring spawn options and server configuration to certain users - JupyterHub / Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes - Jupyter Community Forum talks about this implementation, however I am unable to fetch auth_state["oauth_user"] for ADOAuthenticator and therefore this implementation doesn’t seem to work in my case:

    auth_state = await spawner.user.get_auth_state()
    user_details = auth_state["oauth_user"]
    gpu_access = user_details.get("spark-engineer, False)

    # Declare the common profile list for all users
    spawner.profile_list = [
            'display_name': 'CPU server',
            'slug': 'cpu',
            'default': True,

Is there anything I am missing?


Azure groups are separate from JupyterHub groups, so you’ll probably have to modify the authenticator to somehow fetch the groups from Azure.

Apologies for the necro, where you able to find a solution @ramprasd89 ?

Is there an official way to do this @manics ?