I am trying to implement custom profileLists on the basis of the AD(Azure) Group the user is part of. For e.g. If the user is part of the Spark group - he should be able to see spark specific profile/server options.
I would like to get more information on how I can retrieve the AD groups the user is part of. I have tried these in hub extraConfig but doesn’t seem to help.
CustomSpawner: |
c.Spawner.cmd = ['start.sh','jupyterhub-singleuser','--allow-root']
c.OAuthenticator.scopes = ["openid", "profile", "email", "spark-engineer"] # an extra AD scope called spark-engineer is created to test scope based access.
async def custom_profile_list(spawner):
if any("Spark" in group.name for group in spawner.user.groups):
profile_list.append( {} )
c.KubeSpawner.pre_spawn_hook = custom_profile_list
This article - Tailoring spawn options and server configuration to certain users - JupyterHub / Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes - Jupyter Community Forum talks about this implementation, however I am unable to fetch auth_state["oauth_user"]
for ADOAuthenticator and therefore this implementation doesn’t seem to work in my case:
auth_state = await spawner.user.get_auth_state()
user_details = auth_state["oauth_user"]
gpu_access = user_details.get("spark-engineer, False)
# Declare the common profile list for all users
spawner.profile_list = [
'display_name': 'CPU server',
'slug': 'cpu',
'default': True,
Is there anything I am missing?