Autosave not working on Notebook 7

Hello everybody. I am trying to switch to Notebook 7 (currently using nbclassic).
I am running into this issue that the Notebook autosave doesn’t work.

It DOES work on JupyterLab. I customized the autosave period in JupyterLab (I confirmed the configuration correctly stored in @jupyterlab/docmanager-extension/plugin.jupyterlab-settings) and it’s all working correctly.

But when I run just notebook jupyter notebook and open a single notebook (/notebooks/Untitled.ipynb), the autosave doesn’t work.

Any ideas of what might be going on? Thanks!

Thanks @santiagobasulto for reporting, this sounds like an issue with Notebook 7.

Would you be able to open an issue on the Notebook repo? GitHub - jupyter/notebook: Jupyter Interactive Notebook
