[ANN] JupyterHub 5.0 beta

We’ve just published the first prerelease of JupyterHub 5, which you can get with:

pip install --upgrade --pre jupyterhub

This is a major release because some defaults have changed, the minimum Python version is raised to 3.8, and it requires a database upgrade, but hopefully not a too-disruptive version to upgrade to.

JupyterHub 5 introduces user-initiated sharing and authenticator-managed roles

Check out the new migration documentation and the changelog for more details.

Give it a test, especially the new features if you can, and let us know how it goes.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed!


@minrk huge major release, and props to all the work that went into user-initiated sharing.

Really looking forward to trying this out in z2jh :raised_hands:

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Cross-posting my question from gitter:

The builds on See installation instructions for: | JupyterHub’s Helm chart repository do not show 5.0 beta, seems that they keep updating 4.0 dev. Is anything needed to get the 5.0beta to show up there?

Z2JH 4 beta release tracked via Planning for release 4.0 with JupyterHub 5.0 · Issue #3406 · jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s · GitHub.

Z2Jh with jupyterhub 5.0.0b1 can be tested already via the z2jh development release 4.0.0-0.dev.git.6586.h0a16e5a0 - no changelog or similar is written yet, but one thing to know is that k8s 1.25+ is now required.