ANN: 2i2c joins federation with a new strategy that reduces costs and improves performance

Hello everyone!

As of last week, 2i2c has now joined the federation!

2i2c joins the federation with a cheaper and faster way to deploy Binderhub | 2i2c has more details, but here’s some graphs that act as teaser:

We run on hetzner and it’s not some % cheaper but a multiplier cheaper!

We also now serve close to 70% of traffic on!

Asking for sponsorship of about 300$ a month is much easier than asking for 3000$ a month, so hopefully all these advances make it easier for more organizations to join the federation. The blog post has more details, so please do check it out.

If you or your organization is interested in joining the federation, no matter how small, please get in touch!

There’s a resurgence of activity around, and I’m optimistically looking forward to progress here!

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