Anaconda + Jupyter Kernel not Found

I am trying to setup an environment on my new computer with conda + Jupyter notebook.
After it is done, Jupyter is shown as not installed in Anaconda Navigator.

I run the following code

(myenv) C:\Users\UserName>jupyter kernelspec list

Available kernels:

But after I install Jupyter via Anaconda Navigator

(myenv) C:\Users\UserName>jupyter kernelspec list

[ListKernelSpecs] WARNING | Kernel ‘Python 3’ is referencing a kernel provisioner (‘local- provisioner’) that is not available. Ensure the appropriate package has been installed and retry. No kernels available

Not sure about the reason of this. It works fine on my old computer. I tried to use the same version of Anaconda as well.

There’s another thread also mentioning this problem: Kernel 'Python 3' is referencing a kernel provisioner ('local-provisioner') that is not available. Ensure the appropriate package has been installed and retry

Thank you so much. I tried this code

conda install --force-reinstall jupyter_client

suggested in that thread and it solved my problem. manics, thank you. You made my day. :smiley: