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Discuss the Jupyter Notebook document format for storing narrative text, code, and the outputs of that code, as well as the ecosystem of tools around it.

Hello , my code in Jupyter is not showing me any result , can you have a look and check for my problem please ?
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import pandas as pd

def solve_beam(l1, l2, q1, q2):
l = l1 + l2 # total length
Mx = sp.symbols(‘Mx’)
Mx = sp.solveset(Mx * l1 / 3 + q1 * l1 ** 3 / 24 + Mx * l2 / 3 + q2 * l2 ** 3 / 24, Mx).args[0]
Va, Vb1, Vb2, Vc = sp.symbols(‘Va Vb1 Vb2 Vc’)
Va, Vb1 = sp.linsolve([Va + Vb1 - q1 * l1, Vb1 * l1 + Mx - (q1 * l1 ** 2) / 2],(Va, Vb1)).args[0]
Vc, Vb2 = sp.linsolve([Vb2 + Vc - q2 * l2, Vb2 * l2 + Mx - (q2 * l2 ** 2) / 2],(Vc, Vb2)).args[0]
Vb = Vb1 + Vb2
x1 = np.arange(0, l1 + 0.1, 0.1) # create axis x1
x2 = np.arange(0, l2 + 0.1, 0.1) # create axis x2
beam1 = pd.DataFrame({“x”: x1}) # create a dataframe for the first
beam2 = pd.DataFrame({“x”: x2}) # create a dataframe for the
beam1[“M”] = Va * beam1.x - (q1 * beam1.x ** 2) / 2 # calculate M and
beam2[“M”] = Mx - (q2 * beam2.x ** 2) / 2 + Vb2 * beam2.x # calculate M and
beam1[“V”] = Va - q1 * beam1.x # calculate V and store it
beam2[“V”] = Vb2 - q2 * beam2.x # calculate V and store it
beam2.x = beam2.x + l1 # re-assign x for the second span
beam = pd.concat([beam1, beam2]) # concatenate the two

i just did a python example for my cousera course- it was counting emails in a database i ean the code and it counted - shouldnt the database be uodated or is it sent to a local file ?