403 Forbidden when trying to install binder on AWS and dockerhub

Mybinder is simply awesome. Thank you for your this incredible achievement. I’ve been trying to setup my private BinderHub on AWS and docker hub as my container registry with the installation guide.

I’ve been stuck with a “403 forbidden error” at the external IP when I access it on the browser. Could you guys please add sample yml files that function for dockerhub?

Binderhub version=0.2.0-fbbc30
My config.yml file looks like this

    use_registry: true
    image_prefix: registry.hub.docker.com/xxxxxxx/binder-dev-
    hub_url: http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com

My secret.yml looks like this:

apiToken: "7c988e9565e4c7d3e2789xxxxxxxxxxxx”
secretToken: "236019eeb2b0507c3b254axxxxxxxxxxxx”
username: xxxxxx
password: xxxxxx

And the results of kubectl --namespace=binder logs binder-557b698bcc-xxxxx looks like the this.

ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxx:~/binderhub$ kubectl --namespace=binder logs binder-79bc858cbb-xxxxx

Loading /etc/binderhub/config/values.yaml

Loading /etc/binderhub/secret/values.yaml

[I 190911 22:29:09 app:665] BinderHub starting on port 8585

[I 190911 22:29:19 web:2106] 200 GET /about (yyy.xx.1.1) 15.82ms

[I 190911 22:29:24 web:2106] 200 GET /about (yyy.xx.1.1) 1.10ms

[I 190911 22:29:29 web:2106] 200 GET /about (yyy.xx.1.1) 1.10ms

[I 190911 22:29:34 web:2106] 200 GET /about (yyy.xx.1.1) 1.05ms

[I 190911 22:29:39 web:2106] 200 GET /about (yyy.xx.1.1) 1.11ms

Hi, glad you’re trying to get BinderHub deployed!

BinderHub is already preconfigured to work with DockerHub, so your config.yaml file should look like:

    use_registry: true
    image_prefix: docker-username/binder-dev-
    hub_url: http://xx.xx.xx.xx

See the guide here. Hope this helps!

I just noticed, your hub_url has some extra things. Have you set a domain name for your BinderHub? If not, get the hub_url by running:

kubectl get svc proxy-public -n binder

and copy the EXTERNAL IP field into hub_url. This should be numbers only and have no reference to AWS.