Workflow for JupyterHubs with with nbgitpuller and JupyterLab. Extension Needed?

Great. Based on the response Is customization of the JupyterLab file browser possible? it sounds like this is technically feasible. Can I ask for some hints on the direction, if possible:

  • Can you point me to the simplest example of a jupyterlab extension you can think of that we could use as a template? i.e. no themes or UI elements required.
  • Any examples you can think of that show how to run a shell command from within a jupyterhub extension.
  • Any thoughts on the naming of the menu items for this that would be intuitive for the typical nbgitpuller users? How about:
    • “Update Modified Notebooks” = git pull
    • “Undo Local Changes” = git reset --hard HEAD
    • “Replace all Notebooks with Latest” = git fetch; git reset --hard origin/master
    • I think there could be equivalent functions for a single file (e.g. git checkout -- filename)
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