Want to modify default font of Latex

Hello all,
I’m new user of Jupyter Lab (using the online version) and wondering if there is a way to have latex prints not in italic ?

thanks for your help

It would probably help in this case if you provided example code you are using and seeing italics.

Hello fomightez,

thanks a lot for your help, it’s simply the example from the Jupyter lab, it appears in italic by default

\dot{x} & = \sigma(y-x) \
\dot{y} & = \rho x - y - xz \
\dot{z} & = -\beta z + xy

“IPython notebook uses MathJax to render LaTeX inside html/markdown. Just put your LaTeX math inside $$.” - SOURCE

IPython notebook evolved into the Jupyter project

Math tends to be displayed in italics and so I think so it is often used for that, it defaults to that. And you happened to supply a version of code that uses that ability and so it is in italics. However, you have a lot of control. This below shouldn’t display as italics for you:

$$\text{Hello world! this is text without italics!}$$

You’ll note that it is pretty straightforward once you add some wrapping of the text you want in \text{} instead of getting the default italicized math.

You can do it inline, too:

This is normal markdown. $\text{Hello world! this is text without italics!}$ This is normal markdown after inline MAthJax.

You’ll even note in some math equations you combine text in with the italicized math, for example with differentials (below is adapted from here to show a differential):

$$\int_{{t=0}}^1 \frac{{1}}{{1+t^2}}\,\text{d}t$$

In non-math speak: The particular part I am referencing is the part on the right \text{d}t, where the d is not italicized.

I’ll put some resources below that you can look into as Latex allows a lot of control and is quite a powerful tech itself: