Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled17.ipynb [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jovyan/work/.~Untitled17.ipynb' -> '/home/jovyan/work/Untitled17.ipynb'

We are using Dockerspwaner to create single user jupyterhub. Authentication is successfull but when we are creating new python notebook we are getting below error

Unexpected error while saving file: Untitled17.ipynb [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/jovyan/work/.~Untitled17.ipynb’ → ‘/home/jovyan/work/Untitled17.ipynb’

volume mounting also we have included.

same cofiguration is working in another server. it is very strange

you help greatly appreciated

What are the differences between your two servers? It sounds like a problem with either your configuration, or something on the underlying Docker host system.