Tutorial on customizing slide output

Hello community,

I would like to customize my slide export template for “nbconvert” (> V6) to use a different font, institution logo, and things like that. Is there anywhere a good example and/or tutorial on how to do this? I was only able to find some examples for the old nbconvert setup which used a “custom.css” file.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



I’m looking for the same thing. I see that custom.css was removed in nbconvert 6.0:

The official docs are Creating Custom Templates for nbconvert — nbconvert 7.0.0rc1 documentation, but they’re not very helpful unfortunately.

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@SylvainCorlay blog post contains a bit more information The templating system of nbconvert 6 | by Sylvain Corlay | Jupyter Blog and gives a nice example nbconvert-acme/share/jupyter/nbconvert/templates/acme at master · SylvainCorlay/nbconvert-acme · GitHub

The key is to extend the index.html.j2 from the reveal template, filling the html_head_css block, and tweak the specificity of the CSS rules so they actually have an effect.


i have looked at this but still very very complicated for a simple datascientist … really frustrating that you cannot customize your work in a relatively friendly way. I use rise but that is also a nightmare… any more detailed documentation would really help using notebook results in real world companies