I am running Jupyter Hub for the first time. I have it installed on a cluster on Google Cloud Platform on a Kubernetes Engine. I am able to log in but I have not been able to affect any change by modifying the config.yaml file. To begin with, I would like to set myself as admin using this method:
- adminuser1
After restarting the server, both on the hub and the actual cloud machine, there appears to be no change. This is just the first of many operations I want to perform but, if I can get this working, the others should go more smoothly.
Welcome to the forum!
Could you tell us more about how you’ve deployed JupyterHub. For example did you follow
or did you install it a different way?
I deleted that cluster and started over. I built my new cluster based on this: https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
That was a good exercise in repetition so I understand this process more this time. I have edited my ‘config.yaml’ file as follows:
secretToken: "<my_token>"
# Get the latest image tag at:
# https://hub.docker.com/r/jupyter/datascience-notebook/tags/
# Inspect the Dockerfile at:
# https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/tree/master/datascience-notebook/Dockerfile
name: jupyter/datascience-notebook
tag: 177037d09156
defaultUrl: "/lab"
jupyterlab: |
c.Spawner.cmd = ['jupyter-labhub']
- <myusername>
Everything seems to be working, including the admin setup, except for setting the default environment to JupyterLab. I can get to the lab by modifying the url but it does not start there.
Also, am I making changes correctly by editing the ‘config.yaml’ file and then running a helm upgrade?
Thank you for your guidance.
After waiting a few hours it now seems to load into the lab correctly.
Yes! That’s exactly what you’re meant to do