Skill Scalable Prototype- Run all cells and go directly to notebook

1: The most reliable way is to write a notebook extension. For example I’ve got an extension that automatically runs all notebook cells if ?autorun=true is in the URL query (it also does other stuff):

Relevant bit of code:

Though note I’m definitely not an expert in writing extensions, so there may be a better way to do this. In any case you should be able to find a way to execute just the first cell.

Edit: It looks like your first cell is executed automatically when run locally because your notebook is trusted, by default notebooks are untrusted since executing arbitrary HTML/Javascript is a security risk:

2: Linking directly to a mybinder notebook is not as easy as copying and pasting the URL, because each launch on mybinder gets a different URL to the running server. Instead you need to take the URL for launching the binder repo, and and a ?filepath= or ?urlpath=

E.g. launches a new binder instance and loads Crop Yield - Data Download (must run first)-Interactive.ipynb

mybinder has some extensions to make this easier, if you’ve opened a notebook clicking the Binder button should give you a shareable URL:
