Request for Community Feedback: New nteract Sidebar Design

Hello everyone!

The nteract community is once again looking for your feedback on our plans for the redesign of the nteract desktop app!

This week, we’d like the share the design for a new component in the nteract desktop app: a file browser sidebar.

The file browser sidebar enables you to browse and open files right within nteract.

The file browser sidebar enables you to browse and open files right within nteract.

Whom is this for?

Sidebar file browsers represent a very common pattern amongst code editors and make it easier to quickly browse, interact with and open files without leaving the application.


For now we are only focussing on a basic file browser and the general UX around showing/hiding the file browser.

The file browser is hidden by default and can be opened via the toolbar.

If the toolbar is hidden, showing/hiding the file browser follows a pattern similar to showing/hiding the toolbar.

→ Figma Click Prototype

Functionalities: Show/Hide file browser, show/hide toolbar


  • What are your overall impressions?
  • Are you happy with how showing/hiding the file browser works?
  • What sort of functionalities do you expect within the file browser?
    Please share your feedback in this thread or the GitHub issue below.
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