I’m looking to set up a server environment for students where they can log into an isolated environment, use a react front-end to select some dropdown options (dataset, ml algorithm, columns etc) and then some statistics/graphs are generated. The idea is that people with little code experience can try out machine learning.
I was wondering if this is something I could manage with Jupyterhub as the account login/setup/security/isolation is taken care of?
Ideally beginners would only see the React front-end and advanced users could switch between the Front-end and Jupyterhub.
Voila renders notebooks built with ipywidgets to apps. Once you know what you are doing, it’s easy to use the URL to switch to the Jupyter Notebook view of the same notebook. You can go here press launch binder and then select from the last three notebooks among the list of available notebooks to get a sense of how it all works together. Especially focus on the last two notebooks for the Voila aspects.