Not sure where this should go, but its a basic question:
Is it reasonable to use Jupytor just for recording notes and diagrams, that have nothing to do with applications? It has that good feeling about it.
‘Literate computing’ is one of the selling points, and so you certainly can do that. See here.
However, you may also be interested in the related Jupyter Books & Myst Markdown or Quarto that extend the notebook (and other options) for more documenting and sharing.
One of my use cases it to use notebooks for notes.
You mentioned diagrams, I use mermaid.js for that - which renders in jupyter.
The markdown capabilities are pretty rich, and using the headings in markdown (eg ## etc…) will then render in a hierarchy to the left in jupyter lab. (The Table of Contents button).
I often find it useful to (in jupyterlab) right click on the tab at the top for the notebook and select “new view for notebook” and view the one I am working in side by side with the new view, (I am editing one and viewing the rendered version in the other).
The main pain point I have is sometimes it can be useful to scribble a quick idea or diagram, I know that is outside the scope of jupyter but it would be great to have inline rendering of something like Someone could probably create an anywidget with that. This was handy GitHub - QuantStack/jupyterlab-drawio: A standalone embedding of the FOSS drawio / mxgraph package into jupyterlab for that but is no longer maintained.
Another great thing, is this is a computing environment. I have written code to scan for bullet points with check boxes in markdown (eg * ) and consolidate those into another notebook to list out to-do’s that gets rendered in voila.
Again - there are lots of possibilities, there are no perfect solutions - but jupyter certainly helps me get there.
GitHub - deathbeds/ipydrawio: A standalone embedding of the FOSS drawio / mxgraph package into jupyterlab is a more up-to-date drawio extension.
GitHub - kolibril13/jupyter-tldraw: the very good free whiteboard tldraw in the jupyter output is a TLDraw extension for JupyterLab
Thank you so much for pointing out jupyter-tldraw - that is pretty slick.