Hi All,
I am trying to setup a JupyterHub with Globus auth enabled. Meanwhile, I am having trouble setting up the correct configuration for the Globus Auth in the jupyterhub_config.py file. I have included my configuration as shown below.
Globus section
- c.OAuthenticator.authorize_url = “https:///auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/authorize”
- c.OAuthenticator.token_url = “https:///auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/token”
- c.OAuthenticator.userdata_url = “https:///auth.globus.org/v2/oauth2/userinfo”
- c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = “globus”
- c.OAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = “http:///”
- c.OAuthenticator.client_id = “my_client_id”
- c.OAuthenticator.client_secret = “my_secret”
- c.GlobusOAuthenticator.logout_redirect_url = ‘https:///globus.org/logout’
- c.GlobusOAuthenticator.revoke_tokens_on_logout = False
- c.GlobusOAuthenticator.scope = [‘openid’, ‘profile’]
- c.GlobusOAuthenticator.exclude_tokens = [‘auth.globus.org’]
JupyterHub section
- c.JupyterHub.base_url = ‘/’
- c.JupyterHub.bind_url = ‘http:///’
- c.JupyterHub.hub_ip = ‘’
- c.JupyterHub.hub_port = 8087
- c.ConfigurableHTTPProxy.api_url = ‘http:///’
- c.Spawner.default_url = ‘/lab’
- c.Spawner.ip = ‘’
- c.Spawner.port = 8886
- c.Authenticator.auto_login = True
In my Globus account, I have registered an application with the redirects URL of 'http:///localhost:8888/redirect_uri". However, when I am done logging in to Globus, the redirection doesn’t seem to work and gives me an error of “Mismatching redirect URI.” Is there any configuration that I have not set up correctly or is missing? I appreciate the help from the community.
thanks in advance,