Hi all,
I’m looking to support JH for class use at our institution; after a large ‘needs assessment’ it looks like we would have a wide range of classes of various sizes, each with unique desires for shared storage, configurability, and environments. I’m really hoping to use multiple hubs to do this, multi-tenant style, since I’m having good success with Rancher and moderate success with ReadWriteMany shared storage (learning k8s and helm is a blast! but frustrating at times )
However, I’m still learning when it comes to the user-scheduling and auto-scaling parts of the JH helm chart. I wonder if anyone foresees any issues with multiple hubs per cluster?
Things I’ve noticed in testing but not yet sure how they’ll affect things later -
some of the roles are clusterroles; I wonder if these could be scoped to namespaces, or maybe replaced by a single role for all hubs?
many of the resource names aren’t unique across hubs; maybe that’s only an issue for within-namespace duplicates which we can avoid (or could be easily changed?)
the biggest concern: the user-scheduling and cluster autoscaling. If there are multiple copies, I wonder if they will they be aware of each other, or result in a situation where nodes don’t drain properly for down-scaling.
Thanks for any insights!