Missing Kernel connection in Jupyter.lab with Python and Powershell kernel

I’m creating a JUPYTER.LAB with a Python and Powershell kernel. It’s done from a Github repository running Docker via Binder and started via an Internet address, (so I have nothing on my PC). When the docker process has ended, I get the Jypyter.lab setup and when trying to run powershell code, I get the message (in the right hand top corner) “KERNEL CONNECTING” (*), shortly after "KERNEL DISCONNECTED ( ).
I have a hunch, that there is a statement missing in the Docker file; but as it can take up to a half hour to run the Docker setup (error prone), I have chosen to ask you for help. Info: This setup worked 3 years ago. The best would be if any of you have had the same problem and have the “right” answer of course.