Jypyter notebook terminal using bash base via anaconda navigator

Hi all, I am not used to Jupyter notebook and usually use ubuntu (bash). I want to access a jupyter notebook through anaconda navigator, which I can do, but when I open a terminal it uses windows powershell instead of a linux or bash base. How do I go about changing this? I need to use a mix of R packages and bash (conda packages and linux based packages) for a script I need to run. I have tried to use %%bash from the python 3 kernel and it comes up with multiple errors.

Windows has the option of the Windows Subsystem for Linux that you should look into and install Anaconda there.

I do have the windows subsystem for linux, and anaconda is installed there. I just need an integration of packages and my ubuntu isn’t installing R-studio correctly, and has errors. So I’m trying jupyter notebook to integrate the packages.