JupyterLite: overrides.json configuration ignored

Dear all,
I would like to provide a JupyterLite app. Unfortuantely, I cannot pre-configure it as I wish. I would like to set the initial view to disbale the status bar, the left Activity bar and so on. Basically as if the user would have clicked on View → Appearance → Toogle “Show Status bar” to off. I thought I use a overrides.json that I place in my root dir where I run the build command:

jupyter lite build --contents content --output-dir dist

In overrides.json, I have the following content:

  "@jupyterlab/statusbar-extension:plugin": {
        "visible": false

However, when I build the site, the status bar is still visible. What am I doing wrong?

Furthermore, I wonder what is the best way to get the tidious json file configured. Can I somehow spin up a jupyter lite environment, change settings in the GUI / the settings editor and then export the json that I have to put in the overrides file?