Hi All,
I’m a total newbie and trying to setup a JupyterLab workspace in AWS EMR Studio. This part has been straightforward, and the EMR Studio, the workspace, and the EMR cluster to be attached to the workspace have all been created successfully.
The issue I’m running into is installing the jupyter_scheduler extension so that it’s usable in the workspace.
These are the steps I’ve taken so far when SSH’ing into the attached cluster:
sudo pip3 install python-dateutil==2.8.2
sudo pip3 install jupyter_scheduler
sudo jupyter server extension enable jupyter_scheduler
sudo jupyter server extension list
sudo yum remove python3-requests
sudo pip3 install jupyterlab
sudo jupyter labextension list
sudo jupyter labextension enable jupyter_scheduler
sudo pip3 install pypi
sudo jupyter lab –LabApp.extension+manager=pypi
From these steps, when listing out what’s in “server extension” and “labextension”, it does appear that jupyter_scheduler has been successfully installed and enabled. Unfortunately, when refreshing the workspace, jupyter_scheduler still doesn’t appear.
When enabling the Extension Manager in lab directly, I see the following error:
“Error communicating with server extension. Consult the documentation for how to ensure that it is enabled.
Reason given:
Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)”
This seems to be the piece that I’m missing but haven’t been able to track down how to resolve this so far in my own digging. Any recommendations or help here would be greatly appreciated. Happy to provide any other additional details. Thank you!