New to jupyter lab extensions, any suggestions/working code that can be added to index.ts is really appreciated
I want to create a custom extension where if any link/button to notebooks in voila preview is clicked it should open the notebook in voila preview in split tab within jupyterlab.
Lets say i have a small code in jupyter notebook cell
from IPython.display import display, HTML
# Create an HTML link that opens the notebook in Voilà preview
html_link = """
<a href="untitled1.ipynb" >Open other notebook with Voilà</a>
The way on clicking “Render with voila” toolbar button it splits the window into two the same way if i click on the notebook link it should provide rendered view split to the right
Right now by default it renders with voila in new browser tab altogether but i want to split to right within jupyter lab
I have posted here as well