Jupyterhub systemd spawner not working

I have linux server with OS 8.9 version and jupyterhub is working with default local spawner, but when I changed to systemd spawner I am getting spawner is failing with time out error.
Here is the system configuration:

  1. we are using LDAP active directory users so no local accounts on Linux system.
  2. added systemd DynamicUsers=yes in startup service file
  3. updated config file spawner and c.SystemdSpawner.dynamic_users=true
  4. with these changes services is not starting getting error permission denied to write into log file.
  5. if I comment out c.SystemdSpawner.dynamic_users, services is starting but single user spawner is failed with timeout error.
  6. using jupyterhub-systemdspawner version 0.17.0 as we have systemd version 239.
    anybody configured with systemd spawner without local accounts and using dynamicusers settings. if so please share the details config and startup script


Unless you post the JupyterHub logs and config, it would be very hard for others to help you out.

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