JupyterHub Object Storage S3

Hello JupyterHub Community,

I have currently deploy a jupyterhub on a cluster kubernetes with the kubespawner in order to create a pod for each users. The spawner works great.

I would add persistence for users notebook with dynamic provisionning (kubernetes persistent volume / persistant volume claim) in each pods using an s3 Bucket in order to use the quota limitations of the kubespawner.

So i am looking for a kubernetes object storage plugin to do this, anyone have setup the same things ?

Best Regards


You can realize this by using the pod lifecycle hooks:

Here is a quick and untested example. But I think you can get the idea…

c.KubeSpawner.lifecycle_hooks = {
    "postStart": {
        "exec": {
            "command": ["/bin/sh", "s3_script.sh", "restore"]
    "preStop": {
        "exec": {
            "command": ["/bin/sh", "s3_script.sh", "backup"]




case $1 in
        tar czvf ${TAR} ${HOME}
        s3cmd sync [options-here] ${TAR} s3://my-s3-bucket/${JUPYTERHUB_USER}.tar.gz

        s3cmd sync [options-here] s3://my-s3-bucket/${JUPYTERHUB_USER}.tar.gz ${TAR}
        tar xzvf ${TAR}

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To make this generic, I would pass the S3 credentials via environment variables and store them in Kubernetes secrets. Ideally you create a separate bucket and permissions for each user.

The backup and restore script can easily added to the singleuser image by mounting it from a ConfigMap into the pod.